Party's local unit convenor Dr M A S Subramanian said government had hiked the tariff thrice since 2011,bringing the rate to Rs 1.05 per unit. The electricity department was also levying surcharge and other levies. Domestic consumers who were paying Rs 50 per month now had to pay Rs 150 per month.
Industries were bearing the brunt of the increase, resulting a number of entrepreneurs shifting units to other States. Withdrawal of incentives and also other benefits had also been chiefly instrumental for industries closing down business here, he said in a release.
The Union Territory was permitted to quarry 250 tonnes of coal every year. The Administration should have gone in for power generation, making use of this allocation and as much as 1500 MW could have been produced, he said.
The cost of power would have been very less and after meeting local requirement of 430 MW,government could have sold the balance to other pockets and netted hefty revenue.