Raising the issue in Rajya Sabha during Zero Hour, Tiruchi Siva (DMK) said, "Ongoing strike has not been addressed. Government of India should intervene to bring the strike to an end. If it is not done country will face severe power crisis."
He said the strike has led to less power production by the PSU which produces 2,500 MW power to be supplied to not only Tamil Nadu but to other neighbouring states.
He said the problem of contract workers was continuing for long and the "Government of India should direct the management to settle the issue out of court."
Siva said if the strike continued, within a week total mining will stop and several parts of the country will face power crisis.
Members from CPI-M and CPI associated themselves with the demand.
The contract workers are on an indefinite strike demanding equal pay for equal work besides job regularisation.
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Workers allege that management has failed to fulfil their commitment including absorption of contract workers in industrial cooperative service society.
With Tamil Nadu already reeling under power shortage, supply in the southern region including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Puducherry has been affected.