DMK chief M Karunanidhi and MDMK founder Vaiko said the CBSE Class IX Social Science textbook had painted in 'bad light' the Nadar community, largely concentrated in southern districts of the state and known for their trade and business acumen, and called for removal of the content.
"It is condemnable that they have been mentioned as migrants to southern districts of the state which is contrary to fact," Karunanidhi said.
Responding to a set of questions in party mouthpiece 'Murasoli,' he said tall leaders including Congress veteran and former Chief Minister K Kamaraj, credited with introducing the noon-meal scheme to increase school enrollment, hailed from Nadar community.
Listing out freedom fighters and other political leaders from the community, he recalled their contribution to society.
"I would call it an unpardonable mistake to belittle the contribution (of Nadars) by writing things contrary to fact. I insist that those concerned should immediately take efforts to rectify the mistake," he said.
Vaiko said Nadar leaders played a significant role in ensuring Kanyakumari remained with Tamil Nadu during reorganisation of states on linguistic basis despite strong efforts to make it a part of Kerala.
He announced he would lead a protest outside the Head Post Office at Nagercoil on November 2 against CBSE, demanding that the controversial reference be removed.