The opposition DMK in Tamil Naduon Thursday demanded the Centre and the state government to decide and announce well in advance, its further course of action on the ongoing lockdown, scheduled to end on May 3.Whether to extend the lockdown or relaxing the curbs, the Centre and the state government should announce the decision "without any delay" in the interest of the public, DMK President M K Stalin said.With the second leg of the ongoing lockdown, being enforced to stem the spread of coronavirus in the country, scheduled to end on Monday, "there is expectation and confusion among people whether it will be extended or if it will be a graded exit," he said in a statement."Considering the mental condition and the livelihood of the people who are confined indoors for over 35 days, the Central and state government should take a due decision (on lockdown) and announced it without any delay," the state Leader of Opposition said.An early announcement will help in avoiding "last minute panic" and "unnecessary confusion" among people, he added.Stalin also said it was people's duty to abide by whatever decision the government takes in this regard to protect them from the pandemic and added that they should strictly adhere to social distancing norms.