Satyananda Mishra, who is presently chairman of the Multi Commodity Exchange, had made the recommendation before his retirement as Chief Information Commissioner.
Mishra had argued that appointments to crucial posts had been held back over the requirement for vigilance clearance.
"In recent years, one keeps hearing of numerous cases in which appointment of an existing director of a PSU or a bank as CMD has been held up for long periods ... Only because the vigilance clearance is not received in time and because numerous complaints, often engineered by rivals, keep pouring in as soon as the proposal is mooted for such appointments," Mishra had written to Pulok Chatterjee, the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister.
Until a few years back, no such clearance was required for filling up statutory positions, especially if the person concerned was serving as a secretary to the Government of India at the time of appointment or a few months prior to that, the letter says.
"The assumption was that if somebody was fit to be secretary to the Government of India, he would not need any further clearance from CVC for appointment to a Statutory/ Constitutional office," the letter adds.