Haasan, during a "fireside chat" with students of the prestigious Harvard University, said the country has already lost its two arms -- Bangladesh and Pakistan -- and all efforts should be made to maintain the unity and integrity of the country.
Citing the example of a sleeveless sweater knit in green thread among other colours, Haasan said, "It (India) is a sweater which is already knit with green thread (among other colour wools). You just can't pull (the green thread). There is no sweater left then."
Haasan's answer came in response to a question from one of the students who wanted to seek his views on voices of intolerance coming from some of the popular Bollywood stars like Aamir Khan and Shahrukh Khan.
"I am against the word tolerance. You do not tolerate; you accept a friend. Why should you tolerate everything? It is a view either you accept it or not accept it? Why do you tolerate?" Haasan asked.
The intolerance debate had raged in India recently with many writers, artists and civil society members expressing alarm over the issue.