"The Fearless One", a documentary by CNN international explores the tragic event that has been a watershed moment for India.
"The 27-minute film seeks to make sense of who the victim was and what she meant to her parents. We have talked to important people related to the story and that includes the doctors in the hospital and the policemen to make sense of the key moments of the girl after the gruesome incident," says Sumnima Udas, who covered the story.
The documentary film, which premiered here recently, is set to be shown globally.
Another documentary, "Silent Screams: India's Fight Against Rape" produced by Miditech Films directed by Pria Somiah Alva and written by Manira Alva Pinto follows journalist Namita Bhandare who meets rape survivors, police officers and lawyers, to understand politics of rape and humiliation the victims face in their fight for justice.
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The film also narrates the humiliation and plight faced by a working woman in Kolkata and a school girl in Haryana, who had each been gangraped.
Both Namita and Sumnima say they were deeply affected by the incident.
"Me and my team just could not film for quite some time after we began speaking with the family," Namita said.
What struck Sumnima most was the reaction of the girl's father.
"When we were interviewing the father of the girl, what struck me most was that he did not have tears in his eyes. All the tears had dried out," said Sumnima.