"The EOW sleuths searched BDO Ram Pravesh Prasad's premises in Patna, Khagaria and Muzaffarpur and seized documents of unaccountable movable and immovable assets to the tune of Rs 91.97 lakh that he had allegedly amassed during his service," Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Headquarters, Ravindra Kumar told reporters.
Prasad's assets detected by the EOW teams included a flat worth Rs 16.95 lakh and a mineral water packaging plant in the outskirts of the state capital, besides Rs 1.8 lakh cash, deposits of Rs 28 lakh in different banks, he said.
Prasad, who has been posted as the BDO at Parbatta block in Khagaria district, was booked under relevant provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, the ADG said, adding that the search operation and investigation was on against the BDO.