Dog conveys SOS, ailing man receives help
Press Trust of IndiaTumwater (US), Feb 8 (AP) An ailing, homeless man had his dog to thank after a note seeking help which he had attached to the animal's harness ensured he was rescued, police said. Detective Jen Kolb told Seattle's KIRO-TV that a woman walking her dog along railroad tracks on Wednesday spotted the dog with the note that read, "Send Help. No Joke. Cannot walk." It also said, "Medicine not working. Need doctor." The note was unsigned, but police eventually found the man's camp. Kolb says the man was immobile and was afraid he was going to die, so he sent his dog, Buddy, for help. KIRO reports the man was treated at a hospital and released. (AP) NKP KKM KKM 02082142 NNNN