Veena and Ashmit were first introduced as contestants on 'Bigg Boss' season 4 and became close on the reality TV show. However, after the show got over, problems surfaced in their relationship.
The Pakistani actress says she reunited on-screen only for professional reasons and has moved on from the 35-year-old actor.
"It was very tough to shoot intimate scenes together... I have never been through such trauma. A person you talk to everyday, is so close and then you are not even looking at each other. During the shoot of the movie we weren't even talking to each other, we had a cold war going on," Veena told PTI.
"We have come to a point where we will keep bumping into each other, we have to live in the same industry so it is important to make peace. I have great regard for Ashmit. He has been a strong support for me and after 'Supermodel' I realised that we can work together. I would love to do more films with him," she said.
The romantic thriller, directed by Navin Batra, released today.