Minister of State for Civil Aviation Mahesh Sharma said there were 70 complaints of staff misbehaviour received by airlines in January 2015 and the count was at 62 in February.
Private carrier Jet Airways and its no-frills arm Jet Lite saw 32 complaints of staff misbehaviour in January while Air India received 21 such complaints during the same period.
Other airlines that received complaints of staff misbehaviour in January were SpiceJet nine, Go Air five, IndiGo two and Air Costa one, according to figures provided by the Minister in his written reply.
"To redress the passenger grievances, in a stipulated time frame, all scheduled airlines are required to appoint a nodal officer and appellate authority...," Sharma said.
In case of non-redressal of a case, the complainant can approach the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, which then takes up the matter with the airlines concerned.