The move comes after Mumbai police told the sessions court that Puri has been only charged under bailable offences and Puri's lawyer Niteen Pradhan said they would approach the police for the bail since all the offences were bailable following which he withdrew the application.
As per his wife Nandita's complaint, the actor had assaulted her with a wooden stick on August 22.
The 62-year-old actor is facing charges under the Indian Penal Code sections 324 (causing hurt by dangerous means), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) and 506 (criminal intimidation).
However, the actor told a different story in his advance bail application. He said their domestic help's daughter offered rakhi to Puri's son and Nandita gifted her a mobile phone worth Rs 3,000. However, the girl demanded a smartphone. But the actor said that there was no question of gifting an expensive mobile.
At this Nandita allegedly told him that he could spend huge amount of money on his "mistresses" but could not pay for this gift. As a heated argument ensued, Puri, the application says, got up to leave, but Nandita "walked upon him and caught his collar" and he had to push her off to leave the house.