The regulator's move follows complaints that some brokers were showing resistance in providing service to the visually challenged persons, citing excuses that the KYC and trading account opening procedures make it difficult for such investors to enter the stock markets.
Following representations made to Sebi in this regard, the regulator has said that "there shall be no restrictions for a visually challenged person in getting registered as a client for trading/investing in the securities market, subject to the compliance requirements".
Consequently, top exchanges NSE and BSE have communicated to their members through separate circulars that they should render all possible assistance to the visually challenged persons for registering as clients.
"...Trading members are advised that there shall not be any restrictions for visually challenged person in getting registered as a client for trading/investing in the securities market including online facilities to the visually challenged persons without any discrimination," BSE said in its circular.
Separately, NSE said in its circular said, "Members are advised to offer trading/investment facilities to the visually challenged persons without any discrimination and render all possible assistance to such persons for registering them as clients.