Some leaders also attacked Samajwadi Party and RJD for opposing provisions of the Bill, which seeks to give 33 per cent reservation to women in Parliament and state assemblies, saying they were doing so despite claiming to be "disciples of Dr Ram Manohar Lohia",who strongly supported socialist reform.
Speaking at an event organised by women's organisations to discuss the Bill, Congress MP Bhakt Charan Das said, "I do not think the Bill can come in this session. The government's stand was that amongst the two or three important bills, the Women's Reservation Bill, which has been passed in Rajya Sabha, should be passed in Lok Sabha.
Das said the vote on account might take place in February but Parliament may not function then as well.
"Two months later, there would be polls and even budget session will not take place..I don't think it can get passed as government does not have the numbers. But if the atmosphere continues to be kept like this and wait till February, it is possible that a meeting with the Speaker can take place...It can be discussed and passed in one day," he said.
Meanwhile, JD(U) leader Shivanand Tiwari expressed surprise that most leaders of political parties opposing this Bill claimed to be "students of Ram Manohar Lohia".
"Mulayam Singh, Lalu Prasad Yadav and Sharadji are his disciples and they are the ones opposing it. It seems that they have deviated from the teachings of their 'Guru'. Male dominating mentality has taken over them. We hope this Bill will be passed soon," Tiwari said.