"On one hand there is widespread anger among people as a result of these killings and on the other hand naxalites have started issuing threats once again. Former Home Minister R R Patil had first highlighted this naxal connection. The new government should make sure that Javkheda murders do not become a tool for spreading violence by selfish politicians and naxalites," the Sena said in an edit in its mouthpiece 'Saamana'.
"It is true that the Fadnavis government has just taken over the reins of the state. Since these killings have moved people emotionally, it is necessary that his government takes stringent steps immediately. Strong action should be taken against the perpetrators of the crime," the Sena said.
Over the course of October 21 and 22, villagers of Javkheda Khalsa in Ahmednagar retrieved dismembered body parts of a mason, Sanjay Jadhav (42), his wife Jayashree (38) and their teenage son Sunil (19), from a well, and strewn all around the land owned by Jadhav.
Governor Vidyasagar Rao had recently directed the State Director General of Police, Sanjeev Dayal, to appoint a Special Task Force (STF) to probe the murders after meeting a delegation led by RPI President Ramdas Athawale at the Raj Bhavan in Mumbai.