The Delhi High Court today cautioned the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) against making a mistake in its "enthusiasm" to give structural stability approval to the Feroz Shah Kotla's old club house, for setting up equipment to broadcast upcoming IPL matches.
The first IPL match at the Feroz Shah Kotla ground is scheduled for April 23.
Even as the high court made this observation, it left to the SDMC to take a call, including taking a second opinion, on the structural safety of the old club house, also known as the R P Mehra block.
The court said the corporation appeared to be enthusiastic about giving the structural stability approval to the old club house, as till date, it was not even sure if the structure conforms to the National Building Code.
Justice Rajiv Shakdher cautioned the SDMC that in its "enthusiasm to give seal of approval (to the block), don't end up making a mistake. If you make a mistake someone from your organisation will pay for it."