(DPLI) today said it has posting a net profit of Rs 39.9 crore in FY15.
Its net profit in FY14 stood at Rs 90 lakh.
It collected new business premium (NBP) of Rs 577 crore in FY15, registering a 233 per cent growth over FY14.
Gross written premium (GWP) was at Rs 735 crore in the reporting year, showing a growth of 140 per cent over last year.
Expense to new business premium ratio was at to 53 percent from 150 percent a year ago. The company doubled its assets under management (AUM) was up by 112 percent to Rs 1574 crore in FY15 from Rs 740 crore in FY14.
"In FY 2015-16, we intend to continue our efforts to provide unique and innovative solutions to meet our customers' life insurance needs," he added.