Last year, the company had to make Rs 430 crore provisioning due to the rules in Venezuelan market as the drug maker was not able to repatriate full amount from the market due to the new rules there.
However, revenues during the quarter under discussion declined by five per cent to Rs 3,554 crore. It was Rs 3,756 crore during the last quarter of last fiscal.
For the full year FY 2017, the drug maker's net profit declined by 40 per cent to Rs 1,204 crore against Rs 2,001 crore in FY16.
"FY 17 has been a challenging year due to lack of new product approvals for the US market. However, our other geographies delivered good performance, with several new product launches.We are also seeing expanded global access to our biosimilars, as result of successful registrations in emerging markets, GV Prasad, Co-chairman and CEO of DRL said.
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"We have given our response to FDA with timelines committed to action. We are working on that," he said in a press conference.
A company official said the company is expected to start operations in Chile this year and business in China will be renewed and product filing will be done soon.
Global Generic sales during the Q4 of FY 17 was down by 5 per cent to Rs 2914 crore against Rs 3,077 crore in the corresponding period of last year.
Revenues from Emerging market declined by 11 per cent to Rs 2,110 crore primarily on account of constrained operation in Venezuela.
Revenues from India was at Rs 2,310 crore showing a year on year growth of per cent. The company spent Rs 1,960 crore on Research and Development in the year FY17.
During the year, the company filed 26 ANDAs with the US FDA. Of these 13 ANDAS were filed in the fourth quarter.