The stock went down by 3.29 per cent to settle at Rs 2,621.45 on BSE. During the day, it dipped 4.22 per cent to Rs 2,596.
At NSE, shares of the company slipped 3.21 per cent to close at Rs 2,620.35.
The stock was the worst performer on both the key indices.
The company's market valuation also fell by Rs 1,487.95 crore to Rs 43,452.05 crore.
Drug firm Dr Reddy's Laboratories today reported a 56.61 per cent dip in consolidated net profit to Rs 66.6 crore for the quarter ended June, mainly on account of lower revenues from the US and impact of GST in India.
Consolidated net sales of the company stood at Rs 3,248.9 crore for the quarter under consideration. It stood at Rs 3,185.7 crore for the corresponding period a year ago.