Additional Sessions Judge Pulastya Pramachala asked the trial court judge to conduct re-trial of the case, in which a biker was killed after being allegedly hit by the DTC recovery van, driven by accused Virender Singh.
The magisterial court, while acquitting Singh, had noted that the DTC van was towing another bus, hence, it was impossible for the offending vehicle to be driven at a high speed.
"Recovery van was towing another vehicle and it is not always a case that a vehicle running at high speed only is assumed to be driven in rash or negligent manner. A vehicle may be rashly or negligently driven without high speed as well," the court said.
According to the prosecution, on December 3, 2010, Singh was driving the van in rash and negligent manner and hit a motorcycle leading to the death of its rider, Ikram.
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The trial court, however, discharged the accused observing that he was roped in the case only on the basis of statement given by an eye witness, who was produced only later by the police.
While acquitting the accused, the trial court had noted that for the sake of solving the case, a person was made to pose as an eye-witness and the involvement of DTC van was not made out.
The prosecution, however, filed an appeal before sessions court saying that the stage where accused was acquitted, was not the stage for the trial court to pass a final finding in respect of veracity of the alleged eye-witness and prosecution deserved an opportunity to prove its allegations.