Chhattisgarh Chief MinisterBhupesh Baghel on Friday requested Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan to remove the state's Raipur district from the list of red zones in connection with the coronavirus outbreak, officials here said.With the second phase of lockdown scheduled to end on May 3, the Union Health Ministry has listed 130 districts across the country in the red zone, 284 in orange zone and 319 in green based on COVID-19 cases, the doubling rate, extent of testing and surveillance feedback.The classification has to be followed by states and Union territories for a week from May 3.Baghel told the Union minister that Raipur had only one case, that of an AIIMS nursing officer, and, therefore, must not be placed in the red zone, said a public relations department official here.The official said the Central minister promised to look into the issue."The CM has asked Additional Chief Secretary Subrat Sahoo to provide necessary information on Raipur's COVID-19 situation to the Union health secretary," he added.Chhattisgarh has 43 COVID-19 cases, of which 36 have been discharged.