According to constable Hitesh Kumar Joshi of the ITBP, who filed the complaint at the Dalhousie police station, said ITBP jawan Aman Kumar, along with one local person, sprinkled kerosene over the wooden house and set it ablaze.
The house and the records were gutted in the fire, police said, adding that there was no loss of life in the incident.
Aman Kumar has been arrested by the Dalhousie police and an FIR under various sections of the IPC and section 3 of the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act has been lodged, SP, Chamba, DK Chaudhary said.
The SP said the ITBP guards team comprising of one head constable and four constables is of 15th Battalion of ITBP, Udhampur, and had been deployed to protect and secure special bureau office at Dalhousie.