The Congress on Friday demanded a fair probe within six months into the case involving Jammu and Kashmir DSP Davinder Singh, arrested with Hizbul terrorists in south Kashmir, as Rahul Gandhi alleged the case was handed over to the NIA to "silence" Singh.
The party also sought a re-investigation into the February 2019 Pulwama terrorist attack and Singh's role in it as he had been posted in the district as DSP at the time.
Questioning the government's "conspicuous silence", it demanded the prime minister and the home minister to answer questions raised by people after Singh's arrest last week.
The best way to "silence" Singh was to hand the investigation against him to NIA chief Y C Modi, under whose care the case will be "as good as dead", Gandhi alleged.
Calling the National Investigation Agency chief "another Modi", the Congress leader said he had investigated the 2002 Gujarat riots and the killing of former Gujarat home minister Haren Pandya in 2003.
"The best way to silence Terrorist DSP Davinder, is to hand the case to the NIA," Gandhi said on Twitter, adding, "In YK's care, the case is as good as dead."