North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) under Gupta launched a special sanitation-cum-cleanliness drive on the campus today to encourage students to keep the varsity clean and devoid of any "political shenanigans".
"We want to spread the message that the campus should be kept neat and clean as it is a temple of knowledge. After polls, these posters will have no value anyway, so why sully the beauty of the campus," Gupta said.
"On one hand he (Kejriwal) talks of being a neta of the aam aadmi and now he is using so much public fund to put up hoarding to add politics to the campus," he alleged.
Gupta, along with Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Goel, launched the drive at Maurice Nagar Chowk on the North Campus of the university.
"We wish to make Swachh Bharat Mission a success, and involve students in the drive. Yes, all parties have put up their posters, including our ABVP wing, but, we wan to tell all of them to not do that and make their own campus look ugly," he said.