"G N Saibaba's suspension had been recommended by Ram Lal Anand College's governing body yesterday. The Vice Chancellor approved the suspension today," DU's media coordinator and joint dean of students' welfare Malay Neerav said.
DU Registrar Alka Sharma said the decision against Saibaba was as per the rules and his was a deemed suspension.
"A public servant is deemed to have been placed under suspension if he is in police or judicial custody for a period exceeding 48 hours. It is just following of rules," she said.
The Delhi University professor was arrested by Maharashtra Police from here on charges of being a member of a banned terrorist organisation (CPI-Maoist), providing logistics and helping in recruitment for the group.
Members of ABVP, BJP's frontal wing, and Delhi University of Students' Union (DUSU) today staged a protest at the Arts Faculty in North Campus to demand Saibaba's suspension.