"We have achieved a collection of Rs 21,584 crore as on March 11, 2014, against a target of Rs 29,953 crore. We expect to reach close but there could be a shortfall of around Rs 1,000 crore from the target," I-T chief commissioner (Kol-I) G N Pande said.
He said there had been poor business in mining, chemical, iron-steel and transport and the same had resulted in dull collections in tax.
Pande said the department is focusing on advance tax and is trying to encourage the corporate for timely payment of advance tax.
Advance tax stood at Rs 10,131 crore as on March 11, 2014 for the current fiscal, registering just 2.6 per cent growth compared to last year.
Corporate tax collection was Rs 14,729 crore till March 11 of this fiscal, he added.