Additional Sessions Judge Savita Rao convicted Delhi residents Sonu (38) and Paramjeet (62) of the offences under provisions of Drug and Cosmetics Act and Trade Mark Act for illegally manufacturing duplicate cosmetics like creams, deodorants, shampoos and packaging them under the brand name Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
The court also imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 each on them.
"During the course of proceedings, both the accused persons accepted their mistake and wanted to plead guilty for the offences charged against them... Considering the evidence already on record and plea of guilt of both of them, they are accordingly held guilty," the judge said.
However, it took a lenient view towards the convicts who assured the court that they never indulged into any such activity previously and would not indulge into the same at any point of time in the future.
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According to the prosecution, HUL lodged a complaint in April 2011 alleging that some persons were manufacturing fake products and selling them under its name by packaging them in the company's empty bottles, containers, procured from scrap dealers.
During the trial, the accused admitted to their offence, saying it happened due of lack of knowledge and not because of any deliberate attempt on their part.