Rather than finding all of the glowing dust in a doughnut-shaped torus around the black hole as expected, the astronomers found that much of it is located above and below the torus.
These observations show that dust is being pushed away from the black hole as a cool wind - a surprising finding that challenges current theories and reveals how supermassive black holes evolve and interact with their surroundings.
Some of these black holes are growing by drawing in matter from their surroundings, creating in the process the most energetic objects in the Universe: active galactic nuclei (AGN).
The central regions of these brilliant powerhouses are ringed by doughnuts of cosmic dust dragged from the surrounding space, similar to how water forms a small whirlpool around the plughole of a sink.
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It was thought that most of the strong infrared radiation coming from AGN originated in these doughnuts.
But new observations of a nearby active galaxy called NGC 3783, harnessing the power of the VLTI at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile, have given a team of astronomers a surprise.
"This is the first time we've been able to combine detailed mid-infrared observations of the cool, room-temperature dust around an AGN with similarly detailed observations of the very hot dust," said Sebastian Honig from the University of California Santa Barbara, US and Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel, Germany.
"This also represents the largest set of infrared interferometry for an AGN published yet," said Honig, also lead author of the paper in The Astrophysical Journal.
The black hole feeds its insatiable appetite from the surrounding material, but the intense radiation this produces also seems to be blowing the material away.
It is still unclear how these two processes work together and allow supermassive black holes to grow and evolve within galaxies.
These new observations may lead to a paradigm shift in the understanding of AGN. They are direct evidence that dust is being pushed out by the intense radiation, the study said.