DUSU office bearers led by activists from BJP's youth wing Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), interrupted the screening of documentary "Muzaffarnagar Baaqi Hai" organised by the college's Film Society.
"The content of the film targets particular communities and projects their involvement in the Muzaffarnagar riots. Such an activity at an educational institution is not only anti-national but unacceptable," DUSU President Mohit Nagar claimed.
While certain students termed it to be a "attack on their freedom", the college principal said content of the documentary will be reviewed.
"Following the objection, I ordered that the screening be stopped. We will review the content of the movie and if we find it apt, a screening will be organised again," he added.
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More than 60 people were killed and 40,000 displaced during riots in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar district and neighbouring areas in September 2013.
The documentary directed by Nakul Singh and Neha Dixit reportedly shows how certain communities provoked the masses against each other to commit atrocities towards members of the other community.