Police said today that some 20 people broke down barriers late Friday night and threw fireworks and eggs at the temporary accommodation for some 150 asylum seekers in a sports hall in the central Dutch town of Woerden.
Those arrested were all Dutch men aged between 19-30 years. Police say in a statement that the men are being held on suspicion of public violence.
Thousands of migrants are arriving in the Netherlands each week. Many Dutch people welcome them with open arms, but there have also been protests in towns and villages against the arrival of asylum seeker centers to house the new arrivals.
Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Migration and Home Affairs Commissioner, said the first center will open on the island of Lesbos, with up to four more on other Greek islands.
Tens of thousands of people fleeing war or poverty have landed in Greece, the main gateway of migrants crossing into the EU from neighboring Turkey. Most want to travel on to other European countries like Germany.