An AC-2 tier fare fetches Rs 3232 per ticket, an increase of Rs 737 from the base price of Rs 2495. Similarly the AC-3 ticket is Rs 2442, a rise of Rs 627 from the base price of Rs 1815.
The trip for December 24 is booked to capacity with 746 berths sold out in AC-3 and 219 berths exhausted in AC-2 class. The special train is equipped with 17 coaches.
The AC special premier train will operate on December 27, 30 and January 2, the booking of which would be done only through IRCTC ticketing portal.
Dynamic fares have been introduced for the first time by Railways to shore up its finances from passenger segment and woo more and more passengers from airlines by providing better facilities and services.
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Railways has vouched for punctuality of the special train which will have no stoppages in between. The train will leave from here at 2.50 PM and arrive at Mumbai Central the next day at 6.55 AM.
The special trains have been launched with costlier tickets to encash the peak demand during festive season of Christmas and New Year.