"At the close of first day of bidding, 78 channels in 54 cities became Provisionally Winning Channels with cumulative provisional winning price of around Rs 395 crore against their aggregate reserve price of about Rs 357 crore," according to an official release here today.
As per the statement, the auction began today with Auction Activity Requirement set at 80 per cent. Total 26 bidders were allowed to participate in the auction.
Sources said that the auctions on the first day had gone as per expectations with good bidding for channels in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bhubneswar and Patna, while it was hoped that more bids would be received for other cities over the coming days.
While the officials emphasised that it is not easy to predict the exact number of days the auctions would take, an official said that it was likely that the e-auctions for first batch of channels may take around two weeks.
Yesterday, in a relief for Red FM, the Delhi High Court had quashed the government's decision to deny security clearance to the radio channel and reject its application for permission to take part in Phase III of FM auctions. The High Court bench had allowed Digital Radio Broadcasting Ltd to participate in the e-auction.
Bidding will re-commence tomorrow at 9.30 AM, the release said.