Directors of e-commerce portal www.Dealsdilki.Com-- Amit Biduri and Chandra Shaker Upadhyaya were arrested from New Delhi for cheating a Senior Zonal Sales Manager of reputed company of Rs 5,11,899 after promising him of delivery of a 'Honda Amaze' car which he was stated, by the accused, to have won in a lucky draw for his previous purchase from their portal, Rachakonda Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat said today.
"For that, they asked him to pay only for the registration and delivery charges for receiving the car. Believing it to be true, initially he paid Rs 2499. After that, the accused through lady tele-callers made him to transfer money for charges like insurance, colour, handling charges, facilitation fee, etc.
Likewise, the victim paid Rs 3,18,899 till December last year," the Commissioner explained.
"Trusting their words and because of constant persuasion through phone calls he further paid Rs 1,93,000 for claiming the previously paid sum. Thus he totally paid Rs 5,11,899. Ultimately, he realised that he was cheated and lodged a complaint," Bhagwat said.
A case was booked and during course of investigation, the two directors were nabbed in Delhi on January 29 and brought them to Hyderabad on 'transit remand' and were remanded to judicial custody. Further probe is on.