As per the latest data, over 1.02 crore Income Tax Returns (ITRS) have been verified by the internet-based electronic filing system of the department.
"The figures for e-verified ITRs stand at 1,02,08,715 as of now. The one crore mark was achieved recently and the department wants this to grow by leaps and bounds so that e-filing becomes more popular with taxpayers," a senior official said.
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), the policy-making body for the I-T department, had first launched the initiative of linking the two databases-- Permanent Account Number and Aadhaar-- late last year to start a hassle-free and quick electronic filing regime for taxpayers with the help of a One Time Password (OTP) via SMS or email.
The online ITR filing portal of the department is available at https://incometaxindiaefiling.Gov.In.
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This new measure has eliminated the need of sending the paper acknowledgment called ITR-V through post to the CPC.
Under the same initiative, over 65 lakh linkages have been achieved till now between the Aadhaar and PAN databse.
The e-filing of ITRs for assessment year 2016-17 can be done till July 31.