Pune District Collector Saurabh Rao gave the direction to the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) and officials of IRB, which operates and maintains the E-way, during a joint meeting held here.
Rao asked the authorities to develop a mechanism on toll plazas on the Expressway so that each vehicle passes through in three minutes and halting time of commuters can be reduced, according to a press release.
The district administration also warned the MSRDC and IRB that if the toll collection efficiency does not improve, it would have to intervene and send a team of officials at the toll plazas to make the process swifter with each vehicle passing through the toll plaza in exactly three minutes.
In December 2015, the district administration had intervened at the Khed Shivapur tollbooth on Pune-Bangalore Highway (NH-4), where officials inspected the toll plaza and found out that with strict monitoring, congestion can be streamlined.
He also instructed the officials to curb the entry of animals and two-wheelers on the Expressway by blocking illegal entry points along the road.
He also directed the officials to take appropriate action against two wheeler riders, who usually ride on Expressway.