Earlier in the day the first match was played between Gurgaon's Digvijay Singh and Himmat Rai of Delhi. The match was poised evenly until Digvijay faltered with bogies at the 16th and 17th hole while Himmat completed the round with 9 consecutive pars to claim a 2 stroke victory, putting his team one match ahead.
Press Trust of IndiaPlaying against the experienced Jyoti Randhawa, 21-year-old Rashid hit four consecutive birdies from 12th to 15th hole to stage a remarkable comeback to win the match by 2 strokes. However, such a result looked difficult at the start of the day with Randhawa scoring consecutive birdies in the first three holes. "It's great to win after being three strokes behind a champion player like Jyoti Randhawa. The thought process in a team event is totally different. One cannot attack all the time as you need to keep your teammates' scores in mind and have a greater responsibility towards the team," said Rashid. Speaking about the loss, Randhawa said, "We played really well through the tournament but Silverglades had some crucial puts in the last few holes to take the game away from us." Jeev Milkha Singh-led Shubhkamna Noida finished fifth. Purvankar Bangalore came sixth, Take Chennai beat AVT Kolkata to secure the 7th and 8th position respectively in the 2013 edition of the tournament which was a played between 9 cities in the stroke play format. Dev Ellora Chandigarh had lost out in the first round only.