In a galaxy named I Zw 18, an international team of researchers measured the lowest dust mass of a galaxy that has ever been measured.
"It's not just that the dust mass is low. We found that the dust mass is 100 times smaller than would be expected based on commonly assumed theories," Dr David Fisher from Swinburne University of Technology said.
The galaxy, I Zw 18, is nearby, which makes it easier to study, but has properties that are very similar to galaxies of the high redshift universe, researchers said.
Fisher said the results imply that galaxies of the early universe may have less dust than has been expected.
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This means, firstly, that they will look different than we expect and make different populations of stars than we expect, researchers said.
And secondly, that they will be much more difficult to observe, even with state-of-the-art facilities being built now such as the Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array (ALMA) of radio telescopes in northern Chile.
"Our result implies that current theories to describe the formation of stars when the Universe was very young are incomplete, and are built on invalid assumptions," he said.
According to Fisher, the amount of dust is very important for the formation of stars.
"What we think is going on, is that the harsh environment inside the galaxy we examined is adversely affecting the amount of dust in it.
Fisher said that based on the findings, theories should be amended to account for environment in making stars.
The study was published in the journal Nature.