Akshay Kumar made a grand entry in the last-half but the 25,000-plus crowd did not mind as the Bollywood 'Khiladi' threw the stadium into a tizzy with his super action-packed performance.
It was not only Bollywood who stole the show. From cricket icon Sourav Ganguly to legendary footballer P K Banerjee to thespian Soumitra Chatterjee, people from all walks of life were present in the four-hour programme.
"East Bengal along with Mohun Bagan and Mohammedan Sporting, the 'Big Three' form an integral part of Indian football," he said.
East Bengal also felicitated Bengal's biggest cricket icon Ganguly who was given a golden boot and ball by club captain Hossain.
"For a cricketer to speak at a football programme is a completely different experience. I don't know why am I feted among the footballing greats. I really felt proud to be here. A big thank you for inviting me here," Ganguly said.