Set up by Tata Steel Adventure Foundation (TSAF), the Climbing Gym, was a unique initiative, said Banchendri Pal, the Chief of TSAF.
Pal, the first woman to conquer the world's highest peak Mt Everest, appealed to take advantage of the unique opportunity for total fitness.
She said though the climibing was done on natural rocks it was away from cities and hence the concept of climbing gym has come up, where artificial walls are made using artificial holds.
Besides, it would help to relieve stress, enhance self-confidence and will-power, she added.
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Referring the climbing gym, she said the 50 feet climbing wall has multiple routes with overhand, for speed climbing and lead climbing. The climbing routes can be changed from time to time.
Anyone from 7-60 years can take part in the Climbing Gym, he added.