Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said the eastern region of Russia is full of possibilities for India and Uttar Pradesh and the state should take full advantage of these possibilities.
"In the field of contract farming, food processing, alternative energy, especially wind and solar energy, there are huge possibilities," he said while holding a meeting in preparation for the upcoming visit of the Indian delegation to Russia on August 13 and 14.
Before the tour, all the officials and investors should do necessary homework, he said.
He said relations between the two countries have been very good over the years.
The current leadership of both the countries has given it more strength, he said.
In this background, this visit is a golden opportunity for everyone, he added.
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"You should return after signing some good MoUs from there," he said.
There were 19 representatives of 24 companies related to food processing, dairy, energy present at the meeting.
Chief Minister Adityanath and entrepreneurs from the state will be part of the Indian delegation which will visit Russia for Russia-India business mission.