In Guinea, the day appeared almost as any other. The usual fields and squares where people gather to pray on the holiday were empty, as people heeded their government's warning to avoid large gatherings.
People slaughtered their sheep the traditional rite of Eid in small groups at home, rather than at the usual large parties. Merchants complained that few people bought new clothes, as is typical for the holiday, called Tabaski in many parts of West Africa.
In Sierra Leone, the United Council of Imams warned believers not to shake hands or embrace. It was a reminder that even on holidays, the Health Ministry's "ABC" guidelines Avoid Bodily Contact must be followed.
Ebola spreads through contact with the bodily fluids of the sick, and with no licensed treatment available, the only way to stop an outbreak is to completely isolate those who are infected. But with more than 7,400 people believed infected, there are far more sick people than beds in isolation units to treat them.
"Ebola is undermining the very foundations of our traditions," said Idrissa Sall, a 32-year-old driver in Conakry. "How can I greet my parents, my children when I'm barred from giving kisses?"
The outbreak, the largest ever for Ebola, has taken a considerable toll on health workers, sickening 382 of them. On Saturday, officials announced that two health workers who became infected with Ebola have recovered from the disease after treatment abroad: a French nurse, who worked for Doctors Without Borders in Liberia, and a Senegalese epidemiologist with the World Health Organization in Sierra Leone.