"Jammu and Kashmir Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Shantmanu called on the officials to gear up men and machinery in the run-up to the forthcoming bypoll for the Anantnag parliamentary seat," an official spokesman said.
The bypoll to Anantnag Lok Sabha seat, vacated by Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti following her election to State assembly last year, was scheduled on April 12 but had to be postponed till May 25 following large scale violence during the April 9 bypoll to Srinagar Lok Sabha seat.
The meeting was attended by all the district electoral officers from the four districts of the Anantnag parliamentary constituency, and assistant returning officers, the spokesman said.
Shantmanu asked the officials to undertake all required steps necessary for the successful conduct of the bypoll.
He asked the officials to maintain a round-the-clock grievance cell so that prompt action could be taken on any complaint related to the election.
The CEO also reviewed the communications and transport plan prepared by the administration for the elections.