According to official data prepared till today, the EC appointed Election Expenditure Observers have so far seized a total of Rs 49.85 crore cash in Andhra Pradesh, Rs 11.32 crore in Tamil Nadu, Rs 9.39 crore in Uttar Pradesh and Rs 1.26 crore in Punjab including numerous other small seizures in rest of the states.
A senior official, who is a part of the EC-appointed team, said the 659-officers strong surveillance teams drawn from IRS and other central services have been deputed to all the Lok Sabha and Assembly constituencies and they are reporting cash seizure instances "almost every other day".
The EC, in order to keep a track of huge cash during the polls, has also asked the Central Board of Direct Taxes and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), both agencies under the Union Finance Ministry, to keep a strict eye through their intelligence and investigative tools during the poll period.