Chief Electoral Officer Vijay Dev held a meeting with representatives of various lead banks, officials from Financial Intelligence Unit of Finance Ministry and Income Tax department to discuss ways to check flow of black money during the campaigning.
Election Commission officials said banks have been asked to submit daily reports to concerned district election officers on suspicious withdrawal of cash.
As per the guidelines issued to the banks, any unusual transfer of money through RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) system during the election process without any precedent of such transfer will have to be reported.
Further, any deposit of cash or withdrawal of cash exceeding Rs one lakh from back account of candidates or spouse or dependents as mentioned in the affidavit filed by candidates, which is available with the Commission, should be reported.
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The Deputy Election officers can scrutinise the details and if they find anything suspicious can approach the CEO who according will take action.
The upper limit for expenditure by each candidate will be Rs 14 lakh.
As per the provisions, each candidate will have to open a separate bank account for making transactions of receipt and payment for election purposes and details of such account will have to be submitted to returning officers at the time of nomination.