Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday dubbed as "reprehensible" efforts of regional parties to form a grand alliance with the Congress, saying socialist ideologue Ram Manohar Lohia would be "horrified" as most of these parties claim to be his followers.
In a blog to mark the 109th birth anniversary of Lohia, Modi alleged, "Today those parties that falsely claim to be Dr. Lohia's followers are desperate to form an opportunistic 'maha-milawat' or adulteration alliances with the same Congress (which Lohia opposed). It is both ironical and reprehensible."
Noting that anti-Congressism was Lohia's "heart and soul", Modi said,
"Unfortunately, today Lohia would be horrified at the political developments taking place."
Modi alleged that these parties are "experts at grabbing power, looting as much as possible and exploiting others. Poor people, tribals, Dalits, OBCs and women are not safe in their rule because these parties give a free run to criminals and anti-social elements."