"The efforts to unite all the parties against the BJP are going on in Delhi in positive direction," Yadav said while addressing a gathering on the occasion of 87th birth anniversary of Badri Vishal Pitti, the Hyderabad-based industrialist and a close confidante of socialist thinker Ram Manohar Lohia.
Over the merger of splinter groups of Janata Pariwar, the SP chief said, "All are trying...Three rounds of talks have been held so far...Everyone is making an effort".
Expressing confidence on the success of talks, he said everything will come before the people when the time comes.
Mulayam also recounted several anecdotes on Pitti's contribution in setting up the Samajwadi Party, saying that though he was not born in a poor family, he had great sensitivity and understanding towards poverty and deprivation.
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On Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Swachch Ganga Campaign," he said that Lohia had talked about it long ago and stressed that cleaning of Ganga is not possible till the rivers falling in it are not cleaned.
He also asked Samajwadi Party workers to read socialist literature and take the contribution of Pitti among the people.