Going to work on an egg is healthier than before as a study has found that it's nutritional benefits have increased over past 30 years.
According to a study funded by Britain's department of Health, eggs not only are lower in fat, cholesterol and calories, they also contain more vitamin D than previously thought.
The study found that the average medium-sized egg now has nearly 25 per cent less saturated fat, which is linked to heart disease, than one sold in the 1980s.
They contain 1.3 grams, rather than 1.7 grams. No more than 20 grams of saturated fat a day is prescribed by nutritionists, the 'Daily Mail' reported.
Researchers also found eggs contain 177 micro-grams of cholesterol, the substance which clogs arteries, just over 10 per cent less than the 202 micro-grams previously recorded.
They have fewer calories than experts originally thought, too