The incident dates back to 2013 when the 20-year-old victim, a resident of Chowan Colony in Bhiwandi, had gone to the house of one of the accused to attend a function where she was offered a drink that was spiked, sub-inspector Devyani Gaikwad of Shanti Nagar police station said, adding the woman was then raped by the accused.
Police said one of the accused, a woman, had filmed the act of rape and blackmailed the victim to enter into prostitution.
Police said the accused demanded Rs one lakh from the victim to delete the video, Gaikwad said.
After the woman approached court, police today registered a case under various sections of IPC against Irfan Alim Shaikh, Alim Aasauddin Shaikh, Rehmat Alim Shaikh, Gosuddin Shaikh, Khan Asid Abdul Kalam Azmi, Rehmatullah, Abdulla Tarbez Sayyed Momin and Swati Ramchandra Kamble.
Police are yet to make any arrests in the case.