The bride sustained injuries in the accident that took place in Kharsiya region, about 45 kms from Raigarh town, on Kharsiya-Shakti highway late last night, Kharsiya Sub Divisional Officer of Police (SDOP) Neha Pandey told PTI.
The SUV, carrying 14 of the marriage party, was returning after the wedding from Baradwar village to Lailunga (the groom's native village), while the trailer was coming from the opposite direction, Pandey added.
The deceased were identified as groom Gopal Paikra (40), driver Prem Singh (28), Shanti Bai (55), Ganga Bai (35), Rajni Bai (25), Rajmati (40), Janki Bai (52) and Rajesh (15), she said.
Of the six injured passengers, four have been admitted to a local hospital in Kharsiya, she said, adding that two of them, who were critical, were rushed to Raigarh for treatment.
The trailer has been impounded while the driver fled from the spot soon after the incident, the SDOP said.