Khanduri, 33, made his debut with dark comic thriller 'Ek Chalis Ki Last Local' as a writer and director. His next film - 'Kismet Love Paisa Dilli' had Malika Sherawat and Vivek Oberoi in lead roles.
"I am in the process of writing two scripts. And I would be producing it as well. I feel as a producer I would be able to take a call on the creative area. Also I want to get involved in the process of filmmaking in order to safeguard make my product (film)," Khanduri told PTI.
While his recent release 'Kismet Love Paisa Dilli' did not garner good response at the box office.
"My first film 'Ek Chalis Ki Last Local' was about what happens between a man and a prostitute when they stumble upon each other by chance. The other was about fight against corruption. I have always worked on different kind of stories and this time as well it is something unusual," Khanduri said.